Abstract Geometric Circle Pie Icon


Chess lessons

Isometric Chess Illustration Set - Timer
Isometric Chess Illustration Set - Chess Board 01

What is advanced chess ?

Everyone has heard of chess . But have you ever ever seen a true grandmaster , fide master or international master play ? At first glance it looks like they are making random moves but later the one or other grandmaster still wins . Turns out strong grandmasters with a rating of 2600 are expected to have more than 160 iq.

Gold Chess Pieces on Black Surface

Chess courses

Monochrome Shot of Chessboard

1hr chess lessons

-15m revising

-30m learning

-15m puzzles or playing

Price : 3 euros

2hr chess lessons

-30m revising

-1hr learning

-30m puzzles or playing

price : 6 euros

A Person Playing Chess

1 week chess lessons

-3 1 or 2 hour lessons

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On lichess : Lakhar